To love thyself, ye must know thine-self

2 min readJun 6, 2018

You have no choice but to love yourself because well, literally, you are yourself.

There’s a lot of talk about loving yourself to exude a healthy amount of self- esteem and confidence, but to be able to get there you’ve got to know what’s to love.

Are you worthy to love?

Everyone thinks something or has an opinion about their-self. Someone might think oh! I’m smart or I’m pretty and sometimes people think that people should love them for these qualities whether real or imagined.

But we all know what we think of ourselves is not necessarily how we are perceived, and so it is necessary to differentiate between your self worth — which is the opinions that you have of yourself and self awareness — knowing and understanding why you think the way you do or why you have certain weaknesses and strengths, understanding why you feel certain emotions etc.

Know thineself

Self awareness or knowing thineself is a tricky one because it requires really high levels of introspection many people run away from because who really wants to unpack their baggage, seriously?

The road to self-awareness is naked and painful, but the reward of being able to know yourself enough to know why you do things you do, or the reason why people may perceive certain things about you, well it just leads to levels of peace and confidence nothing can touch.

What’s not to love?

Everyone embraces and loves the great things about themselves, but the super power of being able to also embrace the weak sides of you so you can temper them down and maybe even improve on them, will really set you apart in levels of confidence.

Everyone is good and bad, ignoring the bad and embracing the good means you’re utilizing only half of yourself.

Straddling both good and bad, makes it easy for you to forgive yourself, not set unrealistic standards or expectations, forgive other people, let go and move on.

Know thyself, love thyself

You know your needs, you know what’s priority and what’s not, where your boundaries lie, how you respond to different conditions and settings, knowledge of these things only free you to live better.

You don’t go into relationships and friendships blind because you have a firm grip of your emotions, you really become aware of the kinds of things you want to do for work and the lifestyle you want to create.

You’ll know when to be gentle or hard on yourself, you’ll know when to be patient or when to discipline, you’ll know when to work hard or when to play, basically you have a manual to run yourself or love yourself.




Writing at the intersection of African development and technology.